DIFM Best Available Evidence Decision Tool

: Welcome to the DIFM Best Available Evidence Decision Tool. The purpose of this tool is to help RDNs evaluate the available scientific evidence when making clinical decisions about nutrition care. The tool is organized by decreasing levels of evidence such that strongest evidence (i.e. EAL evidence based nutrition practice guidelines, systematic reviews) will be considered before other lower levels of evidence. The stronger the evidence, the lower the level of scientific uncertainty and the more probable the results can be applied clinically. The weaker the evidence, the higher the level of scientific uncertainty, and need for additional research before using in clinical practice. In cases when evidence based guidelines and systematic reviews are not available, this tool will help RDNs critically evaluate single studies regarding clinical care for specific patient populations, conditions and/or interventions.

As you use this tool, hover over words in green text to see the definitions. You can go back and change your answer to previous questions at anytime. When you are finished with the tool, you will have the opportunity to email the results to yourself.

Please see our list of Supplemental Resources for more information on ethical standards, accessing evidence-based information and communicating scientific research.

Indicate the search topic: what is the patient population (including age, and gender), condition, disease, intervention and expected outcome or assessment/diagnostic test in question. Search topic examples include: Use of low FODMAP diet for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth in adults, use of magnesium for headache prevention in adults, or use of S-adenosyl-methionine for osteoarthritis in adults.

Question A2
Are there Evidence-Based Nutrition Practice Guidelines? Check topics in Evidence Analysis Library (EAL).